Thursday, May 22, 2008

Daddy-Daughter Fun

After a week at outdoor school, the girls and I met Matt at the Kiwanas Cabins to do a bit of fishing in the newly stocked pond.  We did it last year and had so much fun, we decided to do it again this year.  Nora hasn't been fishing much that she remembers, so this was a memorable experience for her.  She held her first fish (mind you, she had to touch the ones in the bucket first a few times to make sure it was all going to be okay) and caught quite a few too.  She is usually a mama's girls, but when it came to someone casting the pole or helping her reel in the fish, daddy was her one and only side-kick.  She even snagged one on its tummy and brought it in.  We have been told that is illegal, but I am not convinced she did it maliciously, so we are not going to turn her in (ha-ha).  She and her daddy make a pretty good fishing team.  We just can't wait for the next fishing trip!

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