Monday, March 10, 2008

Flunked a test for the first time in a long time

Last Tuesday I went in for my regular checkup with my OB and flunked my glucose screening.  They took 4 vials of blood that day and left a nasty bruise to prove it.  SO, I had to miss school on Friday to go do a 4 hour screening where I had to fast for 12 hours before then go have them take my blood 4 times to see how I reacted to a really nasty glucose drink.  Thankfully I passed and don't have to worry about gestational diabetes, but I will say I was worried.  I think I need to lay off the cookies and candy for a while so I don't create a problem for the baby or myself.  I am already gaining more weight than "necessary" so the flunking of the test helped get me turned around -- at least for now.  Matt did buy me a bag of gummy bears that night just in case it was the last candy I got to enjoy until after the baby was born.  I am not sure if I should be grateful or if I should be worried that my hubby didn't quite understand the tenor of the situation.........


Our little baby is growing bigger each day -- I bought some new clothes this weekend because I am running out of items that fit -- and last Thursday night, at a church meeting, he/she go the hiccups for the first time.  I was so excited.  I really am feeling him/her move all the time, but hiccups are always fun because they last for few minutes.  It is always nice to know things are okay in there!