Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mommy, it's my birthday! Where are you?

It is 7:00 a.m. on May 27th, Nora's 4th birthday and I am nowhere to be found in the house.  Where am I you ask? I have been at the hospital since 2:30 a.m. and am getting ready to have our baby.  This is not what we expected!  I am not due until June 7th and what are the chances that baby #4 would choose to come into the world on Nora's birthday?
Matt called my room and I talked to all three girls, but I talked to Nora first.  I wished her a happy birthday, told her that I would see her soon, and that we would open her presents in the hospital later on that afternoon/evening.  I worried ALL day that Nora wasn't having the best birthday she could have, but her babysitter made her cupcakes and got her a present and I think she thinks she had a great birthday!  Thank Heavens!!!

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